
Terms and Conditions

By signing below, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
PSYCHproplus offers a variety of courses designed to support your learning and
development. Our courses are intended to provide you with the necessary knowledge and
skills to enhance your understanding and performance in this area. However, it is important to
note that:

  1. The PSYCHproplus has absolute discretion in the admission of participants and
    reserves the right to decline any registration.
  2. We will never share or sell your details to third parties for any other purposes.
  3. Course Outcomes: PSYCHproplus is not responsible for your individual
    performance, achievements, or results in any exams or assessments that you may
    undertake. Your success in these evaluations is dependent on your personal effort,
    commitment, and application of the knowledge and skills acquired through our
  4. Passing or Failing Exams: PSYCHproplus does not guarantee that you will pass or
    achieve a specific grade in any exams or assessments. Our courses are designed to
    provide you with the necessary tools and resources to enhance your learning, but the
    final outcome is ultimately determined by your individual effort and understanding.
  5. Responsibility for Learning: As a participant in our courses, you are responsible for
    your own learning and development. This includes attending classes, completing
    assignments, engaging with course materials, and seeking additional support when
    necessary. PSYCHproplus is not responsible for any failure to meet these expectations
    or to achieve desired outcomes.
  6. No Warranty: PSYCHproplus makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding
    the effectiveness or applicability of our courses to your specific needs or
    circumstances. Our courses are provided on an “as is” basis and are intended to
    support your learning and development.
  7. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing
    By enrolling and participating in any of our courses, you acknowledge and agree to these
    terms and conditions.