
MRCPsych Paper A Online

This course is designed for trainees preparing for the MRCPsych exam. The course material is designed by experienced tutors who have carefully constructed the study package to closely follow the new pattern of exams (Papers A and B). The course offers an online question bank with over 10,000 up-to-date questions. It includes a detailed study guide to build your entire revision around and helps you focus your revision by highlighting your strengths and weaknesses.

The course is structured to make every second of your revision count, and we are confident that you will find the course enriching and rewarding.

Paper A and B:

Course Contents:

  1. Introduction to MRCPsych Exam – Importance, Pattern, and Syllabus
  2. We have a number of mock tests similar to Three-hour exam worth 150 marks, comprised of 150 questions (Two-thirds MCQ, One-third EMI)
  3. Psychproplus Question Bank – An intelligent database of questions based on previous exam questions and college syllabus in the same format as the actual MRCPsych exam
  4. Detailed notes for each question – Supported by the latest evidence and designed to help you contextualise your learning.
  5. Practice under exam conditions – Unlimited timed tests and mock tests for no extra charge.The Psychproplus Course for MRCPsych paper A and paper B Exam is of £70/- each an all-inclusive study package that provides you the necessary tools to pass the exam on your first attempt.

Topic 1: Psychology

Introduction to Psychology in Psychiatry

The role of psychology in understanding mental health and psychiatric disorders

Overview of psychological theories and their application in clinical practice

The biopsychosocial model and its importance in a holistic approach to psychiatry

Learning Theories and Behaviour Modification

Classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning theory

Principles of behaviour modification and their application in psychiatric treatment

Behavioural techniques in the management of anxiety, mood, and psychotic disorders

1.1.1 Learning Theories MCQs - Part 1
1.1.1 Learning Theories MCQs - Part 2
1.1.1 Learning Theories MCQs - Part 3
1.1.1. Learning Theories MCQs Part 4
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Key concepts in cognitive psychology: attention, memory, perception, and language

Cognitive distortions and their role in the development of psychiatric disorders

Introduction to cognitive-behavioural therapy and its application in psychiatry

Evidence base for CBT in the treatment of various psychiatric disorders

Psychodynamic Theories and Psychotherapy

Overview of psychodynamic theories: Freudian, Jungian, and object relations

Core concepts in psychodynamic psychotherapy: transference, countertransference, and the therapeutic alliance

Applications of psychodynamic therapy in the treatment of psychiatric disorders

Evidence base for psychodynamic therapy and its limitations

Humanistic and Existential Approaches in Psychiatry

Key concepts in humanistic psychology: self-actualisation, empathy, and the therapeutic relationship

Introduction to person-centred therapy and its application in psychiatry

Overview of existential therapy and its focus on meaning, choice, and responsibility

The role of humanistic and existential approaches in the management of psychiatric disorders

Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy

The rationale for integrating different psychological approaches in psychiatric practice

Common factors in psychotherapy and their implications for treatment planning

Overview of integrative and eclectic psychotherapy models

Developing a flexible and individualised approach to psychiatric treatment

Review and Application of Psychological Concepts

Recap of key psychological concepts and theories covered in the lesson

Integrating psychological knowledge into psychiatric assessment and formulation

Case studies and clinical vignettes to practice applying psychological concepts

Topic 2: Basic Neurosciences

Neuroanatomy: key structures and their functions

Neurophysiology: neuronal communication and neurotransmitters

Neuropharmacology: principles of drug action in the nervous system

Neuropathology: common neurological disorders and their pathogenesis

Topic 3: Basic Psychopharmacology

Introduction to psychopharmacology and its role in psychiatry

Principles of drug action, absorption, distribution, and elimination

Major classes of psychotropic medications and their mechanisms of action

Side effects, contraindications, and drug interactions in psychopharmacology

Topic 4: Human Development and Behaviour

Theories of human development across the lifespan

Cognitive, emotional, and social development in children and adolescents

Adult development and aging: cognitive, emotional, and social aspects

Theories of personality and their relevance to psychiatric practice

Topic 5: Psychopathology

Psychopathology is a fundamental topic in the MRCPsych Paper A course, focusing on the study of abnormal thoughts, emotions, and behaviours that are indicative of mental disorders. The understanding of psychopathology is essential for psychiatrists to accurately assess, diagnose, and manage various psychiatric conditions. The following are the key subtopics to be taught in the psychopathology section of the MRCPsych Paper A course:

Descriptive Psychopathology: This subtopic covers the basic principles of psychopathology, including the classification of symptoms, signs, and syndromes. It will explore various aspects of mental state examination, such as appearance, behaviour, mood, thought, perception, cognition, and insight.

Disorders of Perception: This section will focus on the various perceptual abnormalities, such as hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, and tactile), illusions, and disturbances in the perception of time and space.

Disorders of Thought: This subtopic will cover thought disorders, including formal thought disorders (flight of ideas, thought blocking, circumstantiality, tangentiality, etc.), delusions (primary and secondary), overvalued ideas, and obsession-compulsion.

Mood Disorders: This section will discuss the psychopathology of mood disorders, including depression, mania, hypomania, mixed states, and dysthymia. It will also cover the assessment and diagnosis of various mood disorders using diagnostic criteria.

Anxiety Disorders: This subtopic will focus on the psychopathology of anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Psychotic Disorders: This section will explore the psychopathology of psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, and brief psychotic disorder.

Personality Disorders: This subtopic will cover the psychopathology of personality disorders, including the classification and diagnostic criteria of various personality disorders, such as borderline, antisocial, narcissistic, and avoidant personality disorders.

Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders: This section will discuss the psychopathology of somatoform and dissociative disorders, including somatization disorder, conversion disorder, pain disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and dissociative identity disorder.

Eating Disorders: This subtopic will cover the psychopathology of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

Sexual Disorders: This section will explore the psychopathology of sexual disorders, including sexual dysfunctions, paraphilias, and gender identity disorders.

Topic 6: Basic Clinical Psychiatry

Classification and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders

Assessment and formulation in clinical psychiatry

Introduction to evidence-based treatment approaches

Common psychiatric presentations and their management

We have a big question bank to practice for the exam which the candidate can practice in both untimed and timed mode. They can review practice exam questions by seeing the correct answer and reading the detailed explanations. This can help in identifying areas for improvement and developing a study plan. They can get the tips and strategies for successful exam performance

We have online forum where candidates can discuss exam or difficult questions.

This online course is designed to cover the essential topics for the MRCPsych Paper A examination, providing participants with a solid foundation in psychology, basic neurosciences, psychopharmacology, human development, clinical psychiatry, and social psychiatry. Each lesson will include a combination of lectures, discussions, quizzes, and opportunities for self-assessment to ensure a comprehensive learning experience.

Clinical Psychopharmacology

4.1 General MCQs - Part 1
4.1 General MCQs - Part 2
4.1 General MCQs - Part 3
4.1 General MCQs - Part 4
4.1 General MCQs - Part 5
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 1
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 2
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 3
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 4
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 5
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 6
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 7
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 8
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 9
4.2 Pharmacokinetics MCQs - Part 10

The MRCPsych Paper A exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with single best answers and 50 extended matching questions. The exam duration is 3 hours.
The MRCPsych Paper A covers topics related to basic sciences in psychiatry, including psychology, psychopathology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, and neuroendocrinology and psychopharmacology.
To prepare for MRCPsych Paper A, you should: Review the syllabus and exam format Study the relevant textbooks and resources Attend courses, lectures, and seminars Practice a variety of MCQs and review the explanations Join study groups or online forums for discussions and support
The pass mark for MRCPsych Paper A is determined using the Angoff method, which means it can vary between exams. Typically, the pass mark ranges from 60% to 70%.

The candidates can check the dates, time and location of the courses which will be given on a regular interval. 

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